
CS 70 at UC Berkeley

Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory

Lectures: M/Tu/W/Th 2-3:30 pm, 155 Dwinelle

Instructor Sinho Chewi

chewisinho (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Office Hours: F 4:30-6 pm, 611 Soda

Instructor Vrettos Moulos

vrettos (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Office Hours: F 1-3 pm, 611 Soda

Week 6 Overview

Covariance, Tail Sum, Coupon Collector's Problem

Week 7 Overview

Inequalities, Markov Chains

Week 8 Overview

Review, Applications, Final


The discussion sections will not cover new material, but rather will give you additional practice solving problems. You can attend any discussion section you like. However, if there are fewer desks than students, then students who are officially enrolled in that section will get seating priority. See Syllabus for more information.


Lecture Slides

The lecture schedule can be found here. We recommend reading the notes in advance.
